"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face". Eleanor Roosevelt

Life can present challenges that feel overwhelming, and even the strongest individuals sometimes need support to navigate through them. 

"Anything Is Possible"

About Maureen Condon Kelly

Dr. Maureen Condon Kelly has been working in the mental health field since 1992 with a special focus on trauma and addiction, both with families and individuals as well as groups. Educational experience includes receiving her A.S. degree from Suffolk Community College, B.A. in Psychology from C.W. Post, MSW from SUNY and PhD from Walden University. Teaching experience includes working at S.C.C.C. as an adjunct faculty member and Field Supervisor at SUNY Stony Brook for Masters Level Interns for their Field Placement.  Now residing in Florida working with families and individuals in recovery affected by alcoholism, women's groups focusing on mental strength recognition and counseling with cancer survivors and their families.